A Center for Restorative Solutions

Serving the Greater Seattle Area

If you have some experience with Nonviolent Communication, and you want to grow your confidence, this learning series will create a space to take your training wheels off and to freely cycle. We will be continuing the learning and practice that happened in the last 6 week session, both revisiting and going deeper - meeting everyone where they are in the arc of learning. If you have completed an intro to NVC, this is where the learning continues. 


Pam Orbach


Who is it for?
Anyone who has at least some understanding of the Nonviolent Communication model, and who wants to learn more and be increasingly present and conscious.

Expanding and Embodying Compassionate Communication

6 Fridays, Apr 3 - May 8, 2020 | 12-2 pm

A second level Compassionate Communication 6-week Daytime Workshop Series

Inspired by the learning, connection and growth that happened in the last 6 week growing NVC skill series, East Shore Unitarian Church has invited another 6 week offering on their campus, and welcomes wider community into the space.

We will meet on Thursday's for 2 hours for a mix of teaching, experiential exercises and practice of being together in community with compassionate awareness and practice. Bring your curiosity, and willingness to engage in explorations of how NVC can contribute to our growing understandings of how we both frame the world, and the different power structures that also play a role in what our life experiences are. How do we create more choice in our lives, and engage others with intention?

Looking forward to co-creating the learning with whomever shows up.


Date: 6 Fridays, Apr 3 - May 8, 2020

Time: 12:00 - 2:00 PM

Location: Zoom Meeting

Cost: $200

Lunch: Bring your lunch if you need it, or snacks and drinks to sustain you.

Register: Online Registration

Contact: Pam.Orbach@EmpoweringConnection.com or call 425-444-4276 questions about this workshop. Dianne Upton facilities@esuc.org or 425-747-3780 ext. 102 for questions regarding to registration, scholarship, location or other general information.



6 Fridays, Apr 3 - May 8, 2020
12-2 PM

Zoom Meeting


Online Registration

Pam.Orbach@EmpoweringConnection.com or call 425-444-4276 with workshop questions.
Dianne Upton facilities@esuc.org or 425-747-3780 ext. 102 for questions regarding to registration, scholarship, location or other general information.